Horizon 2045



Johnson City is embarking on a comprehensive planning initiative that will guide how our community will grow for the next 20+ years. In order to do this effectively, we must have buy in and participation from our community. What is important to you? What are the areas of Johnson City that need attention? What are the characteristics of Johnson City that must remain authentic? Your input will make the plan meaningful.

What is a Growth Management Plan?
Horizon 2045 is the City's growth management plan, which is a process to:

  • Explore how the City wants to grow
  • Align that vision with the community's goals for economic development, housing, quality of life, and more
  • Develop the future land use strategy and policy framework
  • Focus on implementation to guide the City’s near- and long-term decision-making and investment

Horizon 2045 will be used as our framework over the next 20+ years to guide decision-making related to a variety of important topics, such as development, investments in infrastructure, zoning, and preservation of community character.